Handbook of Solid Waste Management: Chapter 18

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Part II: Agricultural Solid Waste Management

Chapter 18 pp 467-496

Recovery of Agricultural Waste Biomass: A Sustainability Strategy for Moving Towards a Circular Bioeconomy

Mónica Duque-Acevedo, Luis Jesús Belmonte-Ureña, Francisco J. Cortés-García, Francisco Camacho-Ferre

This chapter analyzes the process of transition from conventional intensive agriculture to a sustainable version. The circular economy and the bioeconomy are presented as the key CEPMs for the transformation of the current food production system. Additionally, a special emphasis is placed in the management of the AWB and the alternatives for its valorization, which are promoted by the bioeconomy as circular and sustainable practices that contribute to the three pillars of the SDGs.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-4230-2_25

Cite this chapter as: Duque-Acevedo M., Belmonte-Ureña L.J., Cortés-García F.J., Camacho-Ferre F. (2022) Recovery of Agricultural Waste Biomass: A Sustainability Strategy for Moving Towards a Circular Bioeconomy. In: Baskar C., Ramakrishna S., Baskar S., Sharma R., Chinnappan A., Sehrawat R. (eds) Handbook of Solid Waste Management. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-4230-2_25

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Dr Chinnappan Baskar, Editor-in-Chief