Call for Abstracts (Section 10)

Abstracts are invited for chapters in Section 10: Green Materials for Renewable Energy of the Encyclopedia of Green Materials, Springer Nature, Singapore. The abstract submission procedure is given below.

Abstract Submission Procedure (Word Document)

1. Section No and Title (bold)

2. Chapter Title (bold; capital)

3. Authors (mark * for the corresponding author)

4. Affiliation with Place, City, State / Province, Country Name

5. E-mail ID of all authors

6. Abstract (250 words)

7. Keywords (Five)

8. Font Size: Times New Roman 12; Capital; Justify; Line Space: 1.0)

9. Abstract (in a word document) should be submitted to

10. No processing and publication charge.

We look forward to receiving your abstract soon!

Dr Chinnappan Baskar

Editor-in-Chief, Encyclopedia of Green Materials